Who can explain the significance of MahaShivarathri better than Bhagawan Himself?

“Immerse your mind in good thoughts and world will be good; soak it in bad thoughts and the world will be bad for you. So, recollect only good, think, plan and do only good, speak and act only good. Then as a result you will approximate God, the source of all good. This is the message of Shivaraathri.”

~Divine discourse delivered by Bhagawan on the day of Shivarathri, 7 Mar 1978, at Brindavan.


Significance of Maha Shivarathri !!!

“No one seems to have made an effort to recognize the meaning and significance of Shivarathri. In fact, the very word Shivarathri reveals its meaning. “Shiva” means auspicious and “rathri” means night. Thus, Shivarathri means auspicious night.

Then the question arises, “Who is Shiva?”
The divine consciousness pervading all the living beings is none other than Shiva. This Shivattwa (divine consciousness) permeates not only human beings, but the birds, beasts and animals as well. In fact, every moment in our life can be taken to be Shivarathri. We need not wait for Shivarathri on a particular day in a year.”

– Divine Discourse, Shivarathri morning, 8 Mar 2005, Prasanthi Nilayam
